
Russian invasion of Ukraine: tanks and rocket attacks on the cities. Breaking news — новости Украины, Политика

26 февраля
03:22 2022

The Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov:

Dear Ukrainians! More than 40 hours of repulse to the Russian occupiers proved that we have the most powerful army in Europe and the fearless people. We already knew that. Now everyone saw it and began to realize it.

Every minute of our heroic struggle, our defenders are changing the attitude of people in the world to Ukraine. This increases support.

The Ukrainians are now fighting for the future they have long deserved, both for our own future and the future of the whole Europe.

We will definitely win! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Ukrainian Army!

Now I want to address the people of the Russian Federation. Especially to the wives, mothers, and girlfriends of the Russian soldiers and officers.

In a few days of the invasion of Ukraine, there will be killed as many Russian soldiers as they were killed in two Chechen wars. Thousands. Thousands. The ruler of Russia has become a murderer. The murderer of both Ukrainians and Russians.

We know that now very young boys are being urgently taken into the army all over Russia; that Russia is preparing to transfer its recruits without any combat skills; that contracted forces are not told where they are actually going and what awaits them.

Hide your loved ones if they are dear to you. Don’t send them to certain death! They will be killed from every window in every Ukrainian city.

Take to the streets. Demand to stop the war. Demand to withdraw the Russian army from Ukraine. Do not be afraid! The truth is on your side. Now you can still change everything so as not to regret later.

When all the information about the Kremlin’s war crimes is revealed, your loved ones will be very grateful to you.

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